Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Get Ready FoR a NeW YeaR aHeaD!!

jz wAnt tO wiSh u All - - - - -

HaPPy NEw yEAr
wishing u all the happiness that u can get..

while ur out there screaming happy new year at the top of ur lungs, ill be here thinking about my DULL life, and doing nothing..

so,if being with a lot of people, screaming, playing with wutever u kids like to play now;bubbles,etc.
and watching the fireworks and bumping into lots of weird people makes u so freakingly HAPPY..then do whatever makes u happy..

mY neW yeAR ResoLutiONs wouLD be
---- GeTTing sKINNy
---- StudY hARder So thAt i Can gEt 3.5 abovE
----FORGET tat ceRTain suMONe n MOVe on

So if ur a BITCH or a Jerk tHIS yeaR, MaKE a POiNt To be lEss bItcHY tHis new yEAr..
If Ur biTTer LIke ME, Try to Be lEss bITTer and enJOy ur NEw yEAr..
wHAtever hAppens, HAPPENs..

so be HAPPy no mAtter whAt..
it GEts HArd sometimes..believe me..
but when u smile everything just get a lil better!!
(i'm spreading this infectious smiles to everyone )
smile ppl :)

tagged again!! wtf??

i'm so totally not into this...but i'll do it...for the last more after this..
ur killing me..

1.she runs like a penguin
2.she has no butt
3.i call her pangy
4.she's a mom(haha)
5.she loves to cook
6.she can't wait to have a baby
7.she's soo very emotional at time
8.loves to say babi a lot
9.her love life sux..just like mine!
10.if u want a hug,u can always go to her

aBOut ME bored
2.this is boring life is dull
4.getting dull-er every min
5.i want MEAT!!
6.i love good,unique photography
7.i want ciko back
8.trying hard to move on
9.duwan to go back to hell
10.i hate bitches..!

so thats all..THE END!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i got freakin tagged! thnx a lot SHARON!!

I got freakin tagged and now i have to list 10 thing about SHARON STONE and myself...haiya!!!

1.she's my ex-classmate
2.she's close to anas,ani n miera
3.she likes cats a lot
4.wait,she loves cats a lot
5.she got a cute smile
6.long black shiny envious
7.she likes to wear short
8.a sarawakian
9.a girl..hahaha
10.her name is sharon bentley but i like to call her sharon stone

MYSELF a stalker
2.can be a bitch
3.loves to be sarcastic
4.emotionally disturbed
5.cries easily love with someone who doesn't love her back
7.can't live without mcd
8.misses ciko(my arwah cat)
9.i love penang! a pooping machine!hahaha

so now i have to tag another 10 person..haiayayayayay!!!!
i'll tag whoever i see then....

so people who got tagged,please do it too..feel the PAIN!! cz ill be sad den if u dun!

Monday, December 29, 2008

YOUTH'09 : every youth is welcome!!

YOUTH'09 - Malaysia's Largest Youth Lifestyle Festival

It's fun...looks awesome..sound incredible..
make time and give it a try..
who knows..
something wonderful might happen!!
for YOUTH by YOUTH!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

T and T ---- sAy wuT???

Tomato and Tuna..and i thought it will taste funny...but I was wrong..the herb-y tuna mix with the crunchy and sweet tomato, is actually QUITE good..and I made it myself..all thanks to today's technology -- the INTERNET..

Monday, December 22, 2008

muscles and stew?! IRELAND here i come!

from what u read in my title, i want to go to Ireland..only for two reasons; muscles and stew..and i am hook with irish guys since i watched Ps I Love You..hey, i'm just a human with normal and guys..hah..and i thought i am a good human being..since I also poop,eat and sleep u can refer me as a Koala, or a dog or just a fish, since my memory span only lasts for 3 seconds..

I've been thinking anout my it right for me to take Tesl since i am not that into teaching..but I am into writing..i love to write about my feelings, things that interests me, food and so on. Maybe is should be taking Journalism instead, but i don't know how am I supposed to go to that way, since i'm already stuck in the saying goes, everything is possible or every problem has its own solution. I will keep on thinking though what I want to be..a teacher, a writer, a freelancer, an editor or something else..

dreams..dreams..i have a lot of dreams...but i have no idea whether i will be able to achieve that dreams..i have many desired that needed to be fulfilled, but i'm not sure whether i am up to it..i want to be someone, a somebody but i'm not confident that i can be that person..i want to say i am born to do great things, but so far i'm just average..will i be able to do all this? to prove to myself that I can do all these, be someone and actually have a life, a life that is better than right now..

i, like i have always been, have been struggling with my emotions, my feelings..i am letting go of that someone and i am sure i can do it..i have done it, but yet it's not enough..i still have to tackle it harder and try more harder..i just have to not think about it..not giving a damn..he will, in return would not be able to hurt me again, no matter what.. and I will never have to actually give a damn anymore..and life would be back to normal again..being single is something that i should appreciate..i want to spend more time with me and get to know myself..learn to love myself..and all will be well...

Monday, December 15, 2008

this is how i feel...

she wears high heels,
i wear sneakers..
she puts on make up,
i go on bare,
she wears short skirts,
i wear t-shirt,
she's flawless,
while i'm the exact opposite,
she's skinny,
i have baby fats.
she's a cheerleader,
i'm just a geek..
she has a perfect smile,
i have a bitter smile..
she has perfect hair,
i have bad hair days everyday..
she eats salad and cheese,
i eat over sized burgers,
why can't you see
that i am wanting you
but u never want me like u want her..
i'm never what you always wanted..
you can't even see me clearly,
you never listen to me..
why don't you see that i understand you more..
why don't you see that
you belong to me..
look me in the eyes
and tell me the truth
of what i am to you exactly..
stop pitying me..
be cruel to me
so that u can be kind..
i took a chance,
i gave you chances,
but you never wanted to take the chances..
i need you like a heartbeat..

Friday, December 12, 2008

peNanG fOOd!

i love food..and i wonder how am i supposed to be skinny if i love food? i live to eat, not eat to live..i'm a food lover and i can't help it..i usually eat as if i haven't eat for days..
so, i'm in penang now and i just went to this restaurant near the SeaGate.. it's called Pen first look, u might think it's a hotel, but it's's a restaurant..a grand one, but don't worry, the price is the same even if u eat at Pulau Jerjak..
Pen Mutiara is actually famous for it's Kari Kepala Ikan (Fish Head Curry)
but I kid u not, the curry is really awesome..i actually am not that into curry, but this curry, it changed my's like my Tok's curry..

This is how the inside looks like.."hotel" much? the ambience is quite grand..

This is the famous Kari Kepala sure u'll get hooked, especially the curry lovers..

This is the Sotong Cabai, medium size..the gravy is quite sweet..nothing special,'s the same as other sotong pedas..

The kangkung belacan, i'm telling you is yummy...i love it!

the great thing about this place is that it have sambal belacan and served with ulam..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

thE 411 on JenSeN aCklEs!!

I'm goin to Tell U abOUt wHAt I Alwys do When I'm Alone In a rOOm..well, ActuaLLy aLOne or iN a rOOm fUll Of peoPle..I drOOl Over JeNseN acKles..yes, For Ppl wHo mIght Not kNow abOut dz HunkAliciOUs Guy, U shOuld ProbABly wATch SUPERNATURAL..N mInd u, U maY get AddIcted..rEallY2 addICted..he's LIke My persONal bRand Of HerOine or IcE..
I'm ALwAY objectIfying Him..sO SoRRy jenSen..but Ur jUst too HoT...Mind U, iT's One's WoMAn oPinIOn..
RiTe, let Me TEll u ABoUT dz hUnk, aParT frOM he's a VeRy gOOd, awEsome and TAlented acTOr..

Birth name: Jensen Ross Ackles
Birth place: Dallas, Texas
Date of Birth: March 1, 1978
Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Zodiac Sign: Pisces

If yOu're InterEsted You cAn checK hIm oUt On HIs eArly Days as An acTOR In daYS of ouy Lives...he ALsO appEared In sMAllvIlLe (he's laNA's Love InterESt!!), dARk angEl, DawsOn crEEK, and Now In WB hoRroR seRies sUPernAtuRal...
He acTs as DeAn wInchEstEr, pLAyiNg JarEd pAdelEcKI (SAm wInchEsteR) olDEr, yEt brEAthakInglY hAndsoMe bRothER..

If You wAnt to sEE him More oN teLevIsion, yOu can cHecK oUt his lAtesT movies tHAt is Ten IncH herO And the One tHAt wIll be in The tHeaters On JAnuAry 2009, My blOOdy vAlenTine..I Just can't waIt..

hIs cuRRenT loVe iNtEresT iS, As abOve Shown is dAnneel HArris..aN actReSs wHo Also sTArred in Ten IncH herO...she's gOrgeous, i mUSt sAy...but tHis dOesN't mean tHAt i'll stOp drOOling oVer hIm..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

SicK n TiReD!!

i've had enough of all these bullshites!! it's killing me!!!
sthin finally ticked inside of me...n it says 'STOP OF ALL THESE CRAP AND MOVE ON!!'
i'm tired of caring for sumone who doesn't care for me..
i'm tired of loving someone who doesn't even love me..
the worst part of all he knows about it..
but he doesn't want to do anything..
he doesn't give a crap..
i'm tired of waiting for him to say he loves me..
he cares for me..or he misses me..
or for him to message or call..
but nada..nil..zilch....nothing!!!
he's absolutely too distracted with his beautiful perfect life..
n i'm stuck here waiting for miracles to happen..
how stupid can i get!!
miracles don't happens to me..
Me equals to no miracles..
only beautiful perfect ppl get miracles..
i don't..
thats' life...
and i'm trying to accept it..
but what the hell..
i tried to move on but i failed miserably..
it's either his name in the book i'm reading..
or a tree carved with his name on it in front of my house..
or just him..EVERYWHERE!!!
it's killing me..
it's eating me..
i dunno who to tell cz everyone has gotten tired of it..
and I AM TOO!!
i jz wana be free from this never ending nightmare..
it's hurting me real bad ...
i'm frustrated all the time..
i just can't take it anymore..
i hate waitinG!!!
esPecially for sthin that will not likely to happen anytime soon or ever!!
jz FUCK OFF would u???!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

SanTa cLauS is ComIng tO tOwn??

I for one, is somewhat looking forward to Christmas..not that i celebrate it or anything, it's just that this year it seems more merry...
I was at Ikea, the Curve just now...and everything seems so wonderful that i decided to take pics of these Christmas celebration..the lights..the fake snow..the very happy Christian just seems so amazing suddenly..
I want to wish A very white christmas..but it seems that we are in Malaysia, where there's no i will just wish Merry Christmas to all who's celebrating it..

This picture would be more awesome if there's no one there..but there's soo many people it seems impossible to get a good that's how a white christmas looks like malaysia...with pony and all..i didn't see any Santa though..must be too early....

so, it's time for food again....this is how chicken chop looks like..a hainese one...and it's quite salty...the cook must be sad or sthin....but the good thing there is the toast..i'm talking about Kluang Station located in Ikano Power Centre...the Kaya is to die for..only rm3.90 if you decided to take one home..and the coffee, is yummy..and strong..just the way I like it...Plus there's a big white christmas tree there...and lots of snows....and a big reindeer too...!!!
shopping is the way to celebrate anything i must say..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

WheRe To eAt????

I'm at KL rite now...i've been wanting to go here for some time now....this is not actually the things i want to cz it's 9.32pm, and I'm here, in a hotel room, blogging...If u ask me what is my idea of FUN is of course, for an 18 year old teenager like me is to GO OUT until 2 am in the morning..Go where u ask me??All the places where KL can offer of coz..places where things happened..anywer but where there's food..There's soo many weird ppl here and i want to see it it all....maybe next time, I'll go there...sumhow...
Enough chit chatting....I want to talk about food now..
Indonesian style...Nasi Padang as i called it....
It's called Grand Sari Ratu..
located at Bukit Bintang.....
The view consists of all sorts of people walking, cars..lots of them and crowded..honking and all....It's not a bad thing really...I think it's amazing...for people like see how crowded and angry people can..or how hungry they look when seeing people inside eat....Really, give it a try....The ambience is actually good..the place is within a walking distance..There's a variety kind of food you can choose around this place..From Indian, Lebanese, Arab, Indonesian, western and so on...
"Ayam kampung pop"

"Daging dendeng"

"sambal hijau"

Should try all of the above..Amazing..Scrumptious...
The price can be a little expensive...but it's worth it....
and don't forget the AVOCADO drink....yummy!!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

eAtiNg in UnisEl...

I told u that i will talk about food one day..and this is the day..
firstly, it is because there's this new eating place in unisel, which i have no idea how long it have been there; but i just found out weeks ago...
My friends and I called it the 'Foreigner'..
due to the fact that the chef is a foreigner...and the majority who ate there are foreigners too..and when we came there, it's like we're in another country..or we'll be the 'foreigner' there..
the food...the most important part of this whole blogging i'm doing right now...
maybe it's because I ate too much of cafe's food...but who knows..
I, as a food lover would give 9 out of 10..
the food is full of flavors..and satisfying indeed..
the down side is,they serve the same food everyday..
just like Unisel i supposed..
there's pasta.."begedil" made from either meat or potatoes..
nasi beriyani..nasi not sure..
it's like 'kenduri kahwin' everyday there..
haha..i reccomend you to take a piece of the chicken there..
there's usually only one type of dish made from chicken..
and it's YUMMY...
i just cant get enough of it..and it's big too..
during the night, you can by kebab there..
Arab style..with lots of potatoes and chunks of fleshy chicken..
it's big and only costs about RM4.00..
it's worth it..
My only advice is...take as much as you can..
then only you'll be happy with the price you have to pay for..
the more, the better...
i admit that im missing the scrumptious kebab..*drools*
maybe ill take pics and put it in here when i can finally remember it..