Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i got freakin tagged! thnx a lot SHARON!!

I got freakin tagged and now i have to list 10 thing about SHARON STONE and myself...haiya!!!

1.she's my ex-classmate
2.she's close to anas,ani n miera
3.she likes cats a lot
4.wait,she loves cats a lot
5.she got a cute smile
6.long black shiny hair..always..im envious
7.she likes to wear short
8.a sarawakian
9.a girl..hahaha
10.her name is sharon bentley but i like to call her sharon stone

1.im a stalker
2.can be a bitch
3.loves to be sarcastic
4.emotionally disturbed
5.cries easily
6.in love with someone who doesn't love her back
7.can't live without mcd
8.misses ciko(my arwah cat)
9.i love penang!
10.im a pooping machine!hahaha

so now i have to tag another 10 person..haiayayayayay!!!!
i'll tag whoever i see then....

so people who got tagged,please do it too..feel the PAIN!! cz ill be sad den if u dun!


Nabilah Anafi said...

you just got tagged !
view my blog for the tagging =)

hurm ur turn my bitch.

Anonymous said...

how to do that??

tomato_masam said...

erk, kena tulis pasal orang yang meng-tag kita kah? hehehe~