I'm goin to Tell U abOUt wHAt I Alwys do When I'm Alone In a rOOm..well, ActuaLLy aLOne or iN a rOOm fUll Of peoPle..I drOOl Over JeNseN acKles..yes, For Ppl wHo mIght Not kNow abOut dz HunkAliciOUs Guy, U shOuld ProbABly wATch SUPERNATURAL..N mInd u, U maY get AddIcted..rEallY2 addICted..he's LIke My persONal bRand Of HerOine or IcE..
I'm ALwAY objectIfying Him..sO SoRRy jenSen..but Ur jUst too HoT...Mind U, iT's One's WoMAn oPinIOn..
RiTe, let Me TEll u ABoUT dz hUnk, aParT frOM he's a VeRy gOOd, awEsome and TAlented acTOr..
Birth name: Jensen Ross Ackles
Birth place: Dallas, Texas
Date of Birth: March 1, 1978
Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
If yOu're InterEsted You cAn checK hIm oUt On HIs eArly Days as An acTOR In daYS of ouy Lives...he ALsO appEared In sMAllvIlLe (he's laNA's Love InterESt!!), dARk angEl, DawsOn crEEK, and Now In WB hoRroR seRies sUPernAtuRal...
He acTs as DeAn wInchEstEr, pLAyiNg JarEd pAdelEcKI (SAm wInchEsteR) olDEr, yEt brEAthakInglY hAndsoMe bRothER..
If You wAnt to sEE him More oN teLevIsion, yOu can cHecK oUt his lAtesT movies tHAt is Ten IncH herO And the One tHAt wIll be in The tHeaters On JAnuAry 2009, My blOOdy vAlenTine..I Just can't waIt..
hIs cuRRenT loVe iNtEresT iS, As abOve Shown is dAnneel HArris..aN actReSs wHo Also sTArred in Ten IncH herO...she's gOrgeous, i mUSt sAy...but tHis dOesN't mean tHAt i'll stOp drOOling oVer hIm..
full research bout jensen ackles!
dasyat la kau.
ni faris..
go skateboarding
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