jz wAnt tO wiSh u All - - - - -
HaPPy NEw yEAr
wishing u all the happiness that u can get..
while ur out there screaming happy new year at the top of ur lungs, ill be here thinking about my DULL life, and doing nothing..
so,if being with a lot of people, screaming, playing with wutever u kids like to play now;bubbles,etc.
and watching the fireworks and bumping into lots of weird people makes u so freakingly HAPPY..then do it..do whatever makes u happy..
mY neW yeAR ResoLutiONs wouLD be
---- GeTTing sKINNy
---- StudY hARder So thAt i Can gEt 3.5 abovE
----FORGET tat ceRTain suMONe n MOVe on
So if ur a BITCH or a Jerk tHIS yeaR, MaKE a POiNt To be lEss bItcHY tHis new yEAr..
If Ur biTTer LIke ME, Try to Be lEss bITTer and enJOy ur NEw yEAr..
wHAtever hAppens, HAPPENs..
so be HAPPy no mAtter whAt..
it GEts HArd sometimes..believe me..
but when u smile everything just get a lil better!!
(i'm spreading this infectious smiles to everyone )
smile ppl :)
Hi AyAyAi,
It's Jordy from YouthSays here! Thank you for joining my group to Youth 09 (the LOUDEST group) =D
As we will be meeting up for a gathering before the event, I will need your contact number and MSN to inform you of our plan.
Just to inform you that we will be going on the 10th, which is the second session on Saturday. Hope you can make it.
Hope to hear from you soon, and if you have any friends going with you, feel free to ask them to join my group so that we have more friend.
Jordy here, signing out~
aku nak jemput kamu ke parti buih sabun di blog aku,sila berbahagia kerana jemputan ini..
yang beno
Pasa Sanda
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