Friday, February 25, 2011

another day in hell

What I have learnt so far :

To teach summary:
* explain every paragraph
*write on the white board what points they are supposed to find
*find the points together with the students
*write the points on the white board
*finish the first sentence together

To read a text aloud:
*pick few students to read it aloud (usually they will read it very softly!!)
*ask them to choose the next person to read
*or asks the students to repeat after the teacher

When answering comprehension questions:
* Be strict with your answers
* Do not show that you are confused
*pick few students to read the questions orally
*write the answers on the white board

Time management:
* Don't always have to wait for the students to finish an activity
*Just go on as u need to manage the time very well

Objectives :
*as simple as possible (read text expressively/orally/answer 2 out of 5 of what q's)
*as specific as possible

*can ask them to close their eyes and listen as u read the poem
*can use music as u read
*make sure to explain the meaning first
*explain everything then only asks questions

Short story :
*explain the summary as don't have time to read the full story

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